Thursday, November 25, 2010

Happy Thanksgiving!

Emily said I need to start this thing back up, so here it goes...

I had a good Thanksgiving this year. It was a pretty busy day. I woke up bright and early around 10:30, then laid around the house till I went to the folks place around 2. It looks like Amanda is turning into a cook. She made 6 pumpkin pies, chocolate fudge, and a Peach cobbler. i ate too much dinner, so I'll have to stop by tomorrow to try out desert, lol! It was a good afternoon of Hanging out with the folks, and watching hunting videos.... One of these days, I'll need to go muley hunting, lol!

I went out to Two Rivers for church, and preacher brought a message about being thankful. Thankful for our salvation, our family, our church... If a feller were to just stop and think, every one of us are so blessed, its not even funny. Its definitely something to remember!

I do have a few prayer requests that I'd like prayer for if ya get a free minute or two.
1, I only have about 2 days of work left this winter, and I'll be needing work pretty bad before too long. 2, because money is tight, I am thinking about selling the dodge. yes, it gets good mpg, but selling it would free up a good chunk of money. 3, I need prayer for where God wants me church wise. It is something that's been on my mind most of the summer. I cant wait for Cliff and Phyllis to get back so I can seek their counsel. 4, I need prayer for my personal relationship with God. It has been a bad summer spiritually, and i need to get back where I belong.

That's about all for now, guess I better get into my devotions again so I can try to post something that might be of some use to someone.

Oh, one more thing.... Does anyone know how I can learn how to type? This key board is a whole lot bigger than my Iphone, lol!