Sunday, December 5, 2010

New Car

This week, i've been looking at cheap, beater cars. Something under $2500, and gets at least 25 mpg. Yesterday, I test drove a 1991 Toyota Tercel (32+ mpg), and a 1999 Mazda Protege (28ish mpg). I also called on a 2002 Audi, but the kis was asking too much, lol. Today, I pulled the Mazda into the shop, and everything looked good. I ended buying the car for $2200; $300 less than I thought :) He said it got 31 mpg on his last trip to Anchorage, so I was very happy with the car... Then later that night I got a text...
It was the kid with the Audi He must be pretty desperate to sell the car, because he asked me again if I would consider buying it. After talking for an hour, I finally offered him $5000. He said $5000 was too low, and he would have to think about how low he would be willing to go. So, being the nice guy that I am, I let him sweat for a bit, then started dropping hints that I was looking at other cars as well. I told him that he was asking for more than it boked out at, and I offered $6000. He said he would let me know if it was still for sale next week.
So having said that, I guess I have two prayer requests. 1-that the Lord would show me want he would have me do. Assuming the kid says yes. 2-If he does allow me to buy the Audi, that I would be able to sell the Mazda.

So thats what my weekend has been like. Hope everyone has a great Sunday :)

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